Ahna Hendrix
May 21, 2022


Wonderful share, Jodie! I’ve met so many different types of channels and enjoy the majority of them. I love that we all bring our own flavor and yet the underlying spirit of love is there.

Another point here (one I’m curious if you’ve experienced) is when someone who used to resonate doesn’t anymore. For me, that was the hardest to understand because it made me question if I had been deceived in the beginning or hadn’t been aware enough. But then I learned that as our consciousness expands, so too does our truth, and therefore we won’t always resonate with the same folks.

For the rest, I do now fully trust my intuition even when it comes to someone everyone else may love. It’s not personal, they just aren’t for me.

Thanks for providing insight on this topic and hope you’re doing well ♥️🙏🏽



Ahna Hendrix

Spiritual Guide. Akashic Channel. Intuitive Healer. Teacher. Podcaster. When we invest in ourselves, the world benefits. http://ahnahendrix.com