Ahna Hendrix
May 20, 2022


Hi there, thanks for your input! What is OMAD? Also, do you mind sharing if you’ve passed menopause yet? From the research I’ve come across in a variety of ways, one of the main issues is osteoporosis for women who haven’t gone through menopause yet, among others. I’m also a fan of IF, it feels good, but I am aware that women’s bodies are vastly different than mens and that VERY few studies are completed on women. What works for men’s bodies can be very detrimental to women’s bodies. And work by researchers such as Alisa Vitti really back this up. I’m not for or against but was curious what this author had to share about it.



Ahna Hendrix

Spiritual Guide. Akashic Channel. Intuitive Healer. Teacher. Podcaster. When we invest in ourselves, the world benefits. http://ahnahendrix.com