Challenges Build Resilience

Find Yourself in Difficult Times

Ahna Hendrix
3 min readAug 21, 2024

For a limited time, I’m sharing posts from my new membership community The Soul Driven Collective to entice you to join! During August, become a paid subscriber and get full access to masterclasses, Akashic Guidance Circles, the SDC community & more for the Founder’s Rate of $44/mth (price increases to $66 on 9/1). Read more about it here. I would be honored to have you!

There’s nothing wrong with wanting an easy life. Hoping for minimal friction. Or desiring peace.

But it’s not why you’re here.

And it’s not how you grow.

June and July were very difficult months for me. After moving to a brand new city across the US, one issue after another arose. A new landlord went beserk on me. My ex-partner of 7.5 years betrayed me. A parent passed away. Multiple heat waves hit while living in an apartment without air conditioning. Car issues. And on and on.

It felt like I was on the bow of a ship in the middle of a storm and all I could do was hold on for dear life. It was exhausting and deeply painful.

Yet when the waters began to recede towards the end of July, a new version of myself stepped forward. She had tougher skin. Was no longer afraid of pissing others off. Is more sure of herself than ever before.

And had learned SO much… I’ve been in awe of her ever since.

This activating process brought forward a lesson that I continually witness with my Akashic Mentorship clients — Challenges make you more resilient. Stronger. Better. MORE of Who You Are.

And THAT is the purpose behind them.

In my Akashic Mentorships, clients walk through deeply activating life processes with the Akasha — career changes, divorces, disease, loss of loved ones, spiritual awakenings, and more.

When they arrive at my proverbial doorstep, they’re withered and in need of guidance. But every week, we get to the root of what’s happening, weed through situations, and begin rebuilding. And through the process, I see them stand taller, speak more clearly, and eventually step into the next iteration of themselves.

This would never happen without the difficulties.

As humans, we want to sidestep the hard stuff. Bypass anythingggg that feels uncomfortable.

But we forget, that’s where the blessings lie. It’s where we get to remove the dirt and gunk to see what’s underneath! The glory, the power, the beautiful perfection of our human selves.

If you look back through your life, I’m sure you can pinpoint moments when you overcame challenges and saw aspects of yourself that made you proud! Made you feel empowered. Capable. Right?

So why try to bypass these entries into the more authentic versions of yourself? Why not face your fears and choose to go through the storm?

This is my invitation to you!

My Beautiful Soul, as the world gets scarier and more unsure of itself, do not forget what’s inside. ALL you are capable of. And do not run from the discomfort.

Choose to build resiliency for difficult times. To create the Solid Foundation that the Akasha has talked about for years so that you might stand when the waves hit!

And if you need help or guidance along the way, my hand is extended to you — come work with me in my Akashic Mentorships or open yourself up to community in The Soul Driven Collective! I have two available spots in the Akashic Transformational Mentorship, apply here.

As we wade into the third week of August and the Aquarian Full Moon — take heed to remember — ALL things happen for YOUR benefit.

“When we invest in ourselves, the world benefits.”

Many Blessings, Ahna

Thank you for reading! Learn more about the Akashic Records, join The Soul Driven Collective, apply for an Akashic Transformational Mentorship, or check out my monthly workshops!



Ahna Hendrix

Spiritual Guide. Akashic Channel. Intuitive Healer. Teacher. Podcaster. When we invest in ourselves, the world benefits.