An Akashic Update on Ukraine, Deception & What’s to Come

You will see what must be so that more can be

Ahna Hendrix
6 min readMar 4, 2022
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Yesterday I visited the Akashic Records for an update on Ukraine and to gain clarification around the potential deceptions that are taking place at this time.

This message was channeled primarily for me as you’ll see in some of the commentaries. But I felt the information shared was too important not to share.

Hope it brings you peace.

What can you tell me about what is happening in Ukraine at this time?

There is a force that is taking over. One that wishes to hush all the voices who would speak loudly. Who would push back.

The earth trembles beneath them. Yet they are not strong enough to overcome the light. However, they will do all this within their power to defeat, maim, destroy, plague anyone who stands in the way.

Yes, there’s certainly a fight going on between good and evil. You can see it being played out. You’ve always seen this so clearly. Your eyes are able to perceive what is at the very root and core of what it is that’s going on.

Here on this Earth, there is a stretching and a pulling between who will win and who cannot. And these forces, they are unbridled.

Let us remind you that no matter what takes place, the ultimate outcome will be one of light. Even if it means removing light from this planet and taking it to a place where it can grow and affect those around it.

But what is so unique about this struggle is that the archetypes are being played out for everyone to see. Yet so many choose to look away. To not get involved. And of course, not everyone can be involved. We aren’t asking for this. But there is a show being played.

What it’s really doing is getting to the core of people. It is enabling them to see the difference between good and evil set aside from Ukraine and Russia.

There is a convergence that wishes to take place at this time. There are things coming through this transparency that no one was expecting. No one knew was coming, and there is more ahead. Pay special attention to the details of what is being shared. For there is much that isn’t being shared correctly.

Truly, this is a nightmare of epic proportions for those who reside within Ukraine who are losing their lives, their love, homes, businesses, the street they used to walk upon. But rest assured that those who go, who no longer reside on Earth, chose to do so long beforehand.

It is in fact in their absence and through the loss of their life that they are assisting in bringing attention to this very plot. This very division, between light and dark. Yet of course, it’s not that simple. But this is the easiest way for us to transmit what it is that’s happening.

Ukraine will fall. Yet it will rise again. Stronger than ever before. No need to worry about that. These people are strong and they fight from the heart, which is the only way to fight if one must fight. Yet do not be disturbed by this news, because it will be through the fall that victory is won.

You will see how this plays out.

You will see what comes to fruition.

You will see what must be so that more can be.

This isn’t over yet, far from it. It’s going to take time for the full effect to be felt. And even now, it is doing its job and waking up the world.

Those who have been resting are beginning to see. Through this tragedy, they are waking up in numbers we couldn’t have even prophesied. But there will be more.

For this year has much ahead of itself. Much that will be coming your way. As we have shared so many times, the best way through is by standing on solid ground. Placing your feet firmly on the ground. Knowing who it is that you are. Believing in the best and choosing joy even in the midst of fear.

I’ve heard that what is happening in Ukraine is a distraction from something else. Is this true? What can you share with me about it?

Yes, of course, this is true. There are deeper waters here that are being filled up through this endeavor.

There are those who are profiting off this war and will continue to do so. Even more, there are other parts of the world who are doing things under the shadow of night. Not being called out for them.

I’m seeing the Chinese and the Uyghur camps. Is this correct?

Yes, of course. There are so many atrocities taking place on your planet at this time. Many more than you could ever know. For so much of it doesn’t make the news.

But we don’t share this with you to scare you. We share so that you might be informed and know, there is always more. Because this fight between good and evil is taking place in the most ferocious of ways at this time and it will extend. It will take time for there to be an outcome.

But know that all the forces of good are coming to the earth at this time. They are coming in to help and aid. You have seen it with your very eyes and the quiet stories in-between the folds of destruction that you read about online.

It’s almost as if the news has become a positive source of information. Know that this is only through your lens. Yet you are able to see what so many do not. For they get lost in the fear of it all, which is why you must speak out against the fear. Why it is that within your own circles, you must choose the light.

You must choose to be honest, yes. Always question yourself so that your discernment stays true.

Allow yourself to be curious and ask many questions, so that you are forever open. Yet know that the wisdom lies within you. For there is where the true answers are.

Yes, there are forces of evil on your planet. Yes, they will try with all their might to win and have what they believe is theirs. But know that this is just the beginning, for so much must take place.

The help that is being rained down upon the planet at this time will not cease. In fact, it will intensify. Yes, it will keep coming by all means necessary. And you must do your own part to help wherever you can.

Is there anything else that we should know at this time?

Know that you are never alone. We will continue repeating this until it is your known experience. Something that you feel throughout your entire body. Something that gives you such confidence, you can go out into the world and shine your light without worry or concern of what may come your way — ridicule, teasing, hatred.

Yes, it may come to you if you show your true colors. But that isn’t important at this time. For if you come from a place of love. If you speak with your heart. If you are pure, then you will be in full alignment. And nothing will be able to harm you or hold you back from all that you are meant to do.

Take care of yourself in these times, truly. Get the rest that your body needs. Fill it with food that is nourishing and wholesome. Do not allow yourself to get caught up in what is not yours. Refrain from judgment. Give and serve and do. The planet will then give back to you.

We thank you for your time today. We thank you for looking to this space for answers. Know that it can be trusted. And that all is exactly as it’s meant to be.

The world is on course.

Planet Earth is awakening.

The tides are turning.”

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Ahna Hendrix
Ahna Hendrix

Written by Ahna Hendrix

Spiritual Guide. Akashic Channel. Intuitive Healer. Teacher. Podcaster. When we invest in ourselves, the world benefits.

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